Pre-authentication Failed Message in Event Log

You may come across an entry in your event log’s on your domain controllers that reads something like this:

2009-05-11 11:23:13 Local0 Critical

Pre-authentication failed:

User Name: TNLT1$

User ID: %{S-1-5-21-343818398-813497703-839522115-3620}

Service Name: krbtgt/

Pre-Authentication Type: 0x0

Failure Code: 0x19

Client Address: 10.X.X.X


This appears to be common to all newer Windows operating systems that are Vista and above (including Windows 2008 Server). This from what i understand, is related to UAC and the need to do some kind of “pre authentication”. Never the less, there is a fix for this.

You will need to install the ADSI Editor on your domain controller. Once you have that installed, open up MMC (start -> run -> mmc) and add in the snap-in called “ADSI Edit”

Once you have it added to your MMC, right click on ADSI Edit, and click “Connect” and click “OK” to connect to your domain. You will then need to drill down into DC=<DOMAIN,DC=com, CN=Computers.

Here you’ll find a list of all the workstations, and servers joined to your domain. Look for the machine giving you the event log message, and right click, go to properties.

Within the attributes section, look for “userAccountControl”, and check the value. If the value is below 4194304, then simply add 4194304 to the value. For example, if the value is listed as 4096, then make it 4198400.

That’s it.

Testing posts from Windows Live Writer

So this is kind of cool. Microsoft’ Windows Live Writer appears to be able to post straight into WordPress blogs. If this post works, then i think thi is a great free product that will help people immensely. NO more having to open web pages, and send up boring attachments via form uploads and things.

Update: It does work, and it appears you can go back and edit the posts as well. I’ll have to see how the categories can be assigned. Undetermined, there’s a category section below the main text editing. Very nice Microsoft! Very nice!

Quick way to enable Visual Studio Permissions using Caspol.exe

I’ve ran into this a few times, where i’ve started building console/windows apps in Visual Studio 2005/2008 and the development machine i’m running on, doesnt have permissions to execute programs from a network share and access (for example) the registry or a sql server. The solution is to tell .net that its ok to let things running from that network share, to access the registry or sql server.

The normal, and proper way to do it is using the .net 2.0 SDK and tell it the paths which are allowed full trusts, however, the .net 2.0 SDK isnt fully installed with VS2k5 or VS2k8, and thus you are stuck.

No more, type in the following, replacing <PATH> with either a drive\directory or a \\share\directory and you’re set.

caspol -m -ag 1 -url <PATH> FullTrust

Update: easy quick way to let your local servers get fulltrust

caspol -m -ag 1 -zone intranet FullTrust

Fedora 9 and Dell T105’s

Yay! Fedora 9 is out, and it finally installs fine using on a Dell T105 with a SATA DVDRom. The previous version of fedora (8) on x64 didn’t properly recognize the install dvd.

Outlook 2007 – “A Dialog Box Is Open”

Today i got a call from a customer stating that Outlook 2007 was starting, but giving an error message “A Dialog box is open” trying to open or compose new emails. The problem was that Outlook started on a new user profile, and the usual Outlook/Word dialog that asks you for your Name/Initials was gettign hidden someplace (since word starts silently in outlook).

Solution is to close everything, and start Microsoft Word first. Enter your name and initials, and then you’ll be able to start outlook.

Bill pointed out that if you don’t have the full Office installed, you won’t be able to launch Word. So to fix it, you’ll have to temporarily remove a Microsft Update item number KB946983. Use the control panel to remove this update, start Outlook, then windows will apply the update again at a later time.

Exchange Remote Wipe Admin

Just a note, mainly for myself, on the location to get the Remote Wipe MobilAdmin utilities for Microsoft Exchange. They can be gotten here

I find it useful that the exhcange server can sever relations between a mobile device and the exchange server, especially if you’re about to fire someone and they have their own device syncing in.

Techie MailServer Notes


Haven’t had a chance to nice n up my mail server how to yet, and i’m sure some of you are tying to install thing thing on newer distributions. So, here are my notes about installing the techie mail server, its all rough notes, i know in my head what it is, but the description may not be there. feel free to use as is – no support, no guarantees.

Continue reading “Techie MailServer Notes”

Dell Utility Partition Quick Removal

Just a quick post on how to quickly remove the Dell Utility Partition. I just received some Poweredge T105 boxes (quiet nice actually ,very quiet, very efficient – only 70W power consumption idle with 2 80gb drives). I was bummed to find out that the bios didnt come with a SATA raid option, but oh well.

So to remove partition. Boot up from your XP/2003 CD/DVD, and then go into the Console Recovery mode. Login to your partition , then use “DISKPART” to open up the partition manager, and then simply remove the 55mb partition.
